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Top industries attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) in Switzerland

Updated time: 12 Jul, 2021, 14:52 (UTC+08:00)

Being a neutral and developed country, Switzerland has demonstrated its position in attracting foreign investment in various industries, e.g. below are the top 3 industries attracting the biggest foreign investment in Switzerland.

Finance - Banking

Located in the heart of Europe, Switzerland has a long history of being an intersection of the European economy and culture. Switzerland is famous worldwide for its finance & banking, many Swiss banks are highly reputed for their customer confidentiality and safety.

Finance & Banking are always attracting most foreign investment in Switzerland

Finance & Banking are always attracting most foreign investment in Switzerland

Moreover, Swiss GDP per capita is one of the highest in the world. According to the World Bank, its GDP per capita in 2020 was US$86,601, ranked among the top 10 highest globally. As a result, the Banking & Financial sector in Switzerland has been increasing to meet both domestic and international needs.

In addition, thanks to preferential policies for FDI in Switzerland, Vietnamese investors have become more concerned than ever. Each year, there are thousands of startups in this European country, bringing new solutions in payments, transactions, e-wallets, deposit and credit management.

Through its services, One IBC Group with more than 10 years of hands-on experience in international investment consultancy - has supported many international businesses to participate in the finance & banking industry in Switzerland.


In the current globalization trend, Marketing helps businesses quickly access new markets, improve brand value. Thus, setting up an offshore company in Switzerland in this field is chosen by many Vietnamese and global entrepreneurs.

In Industry 4.0, Marketing is an outstanding factor to help businesses access new markets

In Industry 4.0, Marketing is an outstanding factor to help businesses access new markets

In particular, Industry 4.0 and the development of Digital Marketing on social networking platforms, e.g. Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram, Linkedin and Youtube, etc. have enhanced the impact in attracting FDI by offering many positive effects to company brands, products and services.

It is not hard to understand that setting up a marketing company or an agency in Switzerland is one of the "hot trends" today. When setting up a company in Switzerland, businesses can access a huge market in Europe, where the economy is developed, and marketing is a significant part of company formation and development.

Import - Export

In March 2021, Vietnam and Switzerland celebrated the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations (1971-2021), the leaders of Vietnam and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) wished to successfully sign the FTA by the end of 2021.

Switzerland is also an important trade partner and the sixth largest European investor in Vietnam with a total investment of about US$2,058 billion.

When expanding their business markets in Switzerland, Vietnamese trading enterprises can benefit from valid FTAs, e.g. the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP), etc.

Therefore, the opportunity and potential to attract foreign investment in Switzerland in the import-export sector is astronomical.

Import - Export is an industry that benefits from economic agreements

Import - Export is an industry that benefits from economic agreements

According to One IBC, once the FTA between Vietnam and EFTA is signed, it will create many conditions and advantages for Vietnamese entrepreneurs to set up offshore companies in Switzerland, facilitating the trading of goods between the two countries.

When setting up offshore companies in Switzerland, Vietnamese investors have more opportunities to trade with other EU countries, as there will be a tax relief on goods resulting from these agreements.

Please contact One IBC via Hotline 18006758 or email [email protected] for our advice on company formation and foreign investment policy in Switzerland.


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