Ҳаракат кунед

Оё шумо иҷозат медиҳед, ки One IBC ба шумо огоҳинома фиристад?

Мо танҳо ба шумо навигариҳо ва навтаринҳоро огоҳ хоҳем кард.

Шумо дар тоҷикӣ тарҷума бо барномаи AI. Маълумоти бештарро дар Радди хонед ва барои таҳрири забони қавии шумо моро дастгирӣ кунед. Тарҷумаи англисӣ .

Legal Disclaimer

Вақти навшуда: 19 Sep, 2020, 10:15 (UTC+08:00)

The website www.offshorecompanycorp.com is administered by One IBC Limited, a company registered in the Hong Kong SAR (License Number: TC001305) whose registered office is Unit 1411, 14/Floor, Cosco Tower, 183 Queen's Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong and/or One IBC Pte. Ltd, a company registered in Singapore whose registered office is 1 Raffles Place, #40-02, One Raffles Place, Office Tower 1, Singapore 048616 (License Number: FA20180115)

Any articles or publications contained on this website are not intended to provide specific business or investment advice. No responsibility for any errors or omissions nor loss occasioned to any person or organization acting or refraining from acting as a result of any material in this website can, however, be accepted by the author(s) or One IBC Limited or/and One IBC Pte.Ltd. You should take specific independent advice before making any business or investment decision.

One IBC Group is the brand used by a network of independent company formation, accounting and consulting firms, each of which practices in its own right. The network is not itself a separate legal entity of any description in any jurisdiction.

The network is administered by One IBC AG, whose registered office in Hinterbergstrasse 48, Steinhausen, Switzerland

The brand and trademark One IBC and other intellectual property rights used by members of the network are owned by One IBC AG, a registered company in Switzerland.

All the name and logo of the banks used on the website Offshore Company Corp are all trademarks of the banks and One IBC does not hold any ownership to these properties. All the banks listed are all One IBC's business partners and are subject to the agreements between the parties involved.

Матбуот дар бораи мо чй мегуяд

Дар бораи мо

Мо ҳамеша ифтихор дорем, ки дар бозори байналмилалӣ провайдери ботаҷрибаи молиявӣ ва корпоративӣ ҳастем. Мо ба шумо ҳамчун мизоҷони арзанда арзиши беҳтарин ва рақобатпазирро пешниҳод менамоем, то ҳадафҳои шуморо бо нақшаи амали равшан табдил диҳед. Ҳалли мо, муваффақияти шумо.