
Kodi mungalole One IBC kukutumizirani zidziwitso?

Tidzangokuwuzani nkhani zatsopano komanso zosangalatsa.

Mukuwerenga mu chiCheŵa kumasulira ndi pulogalamu ya AI. Werengani zambiri pa Chodzikanira ndipo mutithandizire kuti tisinthe chilankhulo chanu cholimba. Kukonda Chingerezi .

One IBC® was granted as a Service Provider at Belize by the Financial Services Commission 2024

One International Business Consultancy (Belize) Limited - Owning License Registered Agent in Belize

Dear Valued Customers and Partners,

We are pleased to inform all valued customers and partners that we hold a full official license for Registered Agent in Belize licensed by the government in Belize (FSC: The Financial Services Commission) with License No: 000391/562 and our business address is 123 Barrack Road, Belize City, Belize C.A.
This is proof that we have the strength to expand our network in one of the top choices for businesses as well as satisfy and comply with the regulatory registration of the local authority in Belize. We are thus in a position to provide the full array of corporate services the clients worldwide would require.

Registered Agent License for Company Formation 2024

Registered Agent License for Company Formation 2024

As a Corporate Service Provider, our professional expertise serves clients undertaking company incorporation and post-incorporation services. We Provide Belize’s offshore company services that are committed to high levels of confidentiality to guarantee that clients receive quick and efficient services as well as achieve maximum benefits and save costs.

Our specialist colleagues have a high level of proficiency and experience in the Incorporation, Legal, bank opening consultancy, Accountancy and Offshore Sector that will help you better manage and maximize the advantages of international business in Belize.

We are proud to always bring safety, integrity, diligent and successful services to clients so that they can achieve their business ambitions in the abundant potential of Belize country.

We bring leading Belize Company Formation Services to clients around the world!

Dzina lafayilo Tsitsani
Ndondomeko ya Malipiro ku Singapore Tsitsani
Mapepala Owona ku Singapore Tsitsani
Kuyamba One IBC Vietnam Tsitsani
Mapepala Othandizira Amalo Tsitsani
Bukhu One IBC Corporate Tsitsani
About Offshore Company Corp

Kutsogolera omwe amapereka chithandizo chamakampani

Offshore Company Corp idakhazikitsidwa ndi ntchito zapadera zakampani yakunyanja ndi zina zowonjezera mabizinesi , monga chithandizo chamabanki , ofesi yapaofesi ndi foni yakomweko. Timasangalala kunyadira makasitomala athu ntchito zabwino kwambiri, zothetsera mavuto, ndi zogulitsa, ndi nthambi zoposa 32, maofesi oimira ndi makampani omwe amagwirizana nawo m'maiko 25 padziko lonse lapansi.

Offshore Company Corp - kubweretsa zofunikira pamabizinesi

Confidentiality Chinsinsi

  • Chinsinsi ndichimodzi mwazinthu zofunika kwambiri pantchito yathu. Timatsimikizira chinsinsi cha makasitomala athu kudzera pazinthu zitatu zofunika.
  • Webusayiti yathu ndiyotetezeka kwathunthu. Zambiri zomwe makasitomala athu amalowa patsamba lathu zimasungidwa pogwiritsa ntchito setifiketi ya SSL ya 128-bit.
  • Zida zathu za IT kumaofesi athu ndizotetezeka kwathunthu kuti tipewe mwayi uliwonse wosaloledwa.
  • Malo osungira makasitomala athu sangathe kusindikizidwa kapena kutumizidwa kunja. Chifukwa chake, zinsinsi zonse zamakasitomala athu zimangokhala m'maofesi athu.

Competitive price policy Ndondomeko yamitengo yampikisano

  • Kudzipereka kwathu pamitengo kumadalira mfundo zazikulu ziwiri - kukhala pakati paopikisana kwambiri ndipo osawonjezera ndalama.
  • Pokhala ndi maofesi kapena mgwirizano m'maulamuliro ambiri momwe timaphatikizira makampani, timatha kupereka mitengo yomwe ili yowonekera, yopanda nkhoswe komanso pakati paopikisana kwambiri.

Offshore business experts Akatswiri aku bizinesi yakunyanja

Makasitomala athu amasamalidwa bwino. Woyang'anira maakaunti odzipereka, wodziwika bwino pankhani zamalamulo amakampani ndi kayendetsedwe ka ntchito, ndiye amene mudzakumane nanu mchaka chonse ndikuthandizani pakuyang'anira kampani yanu, akaunti yakubanki ndi ntchito zina zilizonse zomwe timapereka. Ndife odzipereka kuyankha mayankho a makasitomala athu tsiku limodzi.

Strong executive team Gulu lolimba lamphamvu

Gulu lathu lalikulu limakhala ndi akatswiri a 30 omwe ali ndi luso pa bizinesi yakunyanja kuphatikiza:

  • Kuphatikiza
  • Kubanki
  • Ofesi yabwino
  • Foni yakomweko

Integrity and due diligence Umphumphu komanso kulimbikira

Pofuna kuti makasitomala athu azisangalala, tikufuna kupereka bizinesi yabwino kwambiri m'njira zovomerezeka komanso zovomerezeka. Pokumbukira malamulo ndi malamulo popewa kuwonongedwa kwa ndalama padziko lonse lapansi, timakhazikitsa njira zowonongera zoopsa.

Zomwe atolankhani akunena za ife

Zambiri zaife

Timakhala onyadira kukhala odziwa ntchito zachuma ndi mabungwe mumsika wapadziko lonse. Timakupatsani zabwino komanso zopikisana kwambiri kwa inu monga makasitomala amtengo wapatali kuti musinthe zolinga zanu kukhala yankho ndi pulani yomveka. Njira Yathu Yothetsera Vuto, Kupambana Kwanu.