
Na u tla lumella One IBC ho u romella tsebiso?

Re tla u tsebisa feela litaba tse ncha le tse monate ho uena.

U bala ka Sesotho phetolelo ke lenaneo la AI. Bala ka ho eketsehileng ho itšireletsa 'me u re tšehetse ho fetola puo ea hau e matla. Khetha ka Senyesemane .

Delaware Change / switch service ngolisitsoeng

Delaware (United States of America) Fetola litefiso tsa Baemeli ba ngolisitsoeng

Ho tloha

$ 549 ea US Service Fees
  • Keletso ea litsebi ka tšehetso ea 24/7
  • Litšebeletso tse potlakileng le tse theko e tlase (matsatsi a 2-3)
  • Ts'ehetsa k'hamphani ea hau khoebong ea bophelo bohle
  • Ts'ehetso ea ho bula ak'haonte ea banka hole
  • Ts'ehetso ea ho fetola sebopeho sa k'hamphani, ho eketsa bakhethoa le lits'ebeletso tse ling

Hobaneng moemeli oa liphetoho?

Baemeli ba ngolisitsoeng ba bapala karolo ea bohlokoa haholo ho theheng khoebo ea k'hamphani, ba tla u botsa mabapi le meralo ea lekhetho le litaba tsa molao, sena se ka amana le ho ts'ehetsa, ho boloka le ho eletsa k'hamphani ea hau selemo le selemo le ho sebetsana le litaba nakong ea bophelo ba khoebo ea hau. U tlameha ho khetha moemeli ea hloahloa ho sebeletsa le ho holisa khoebo ea hau.

U kanna oa ipotsa hore na hobaneng u ka fetola moemeli ha u se u ntse u na le eona, empa na moemeli oa hajoale o thusa khoebong ea hau kapa ha ba khone ho fana ka lits'ebeletso tse kopiloeng, ha o a thaba ebile o batla ho fetoha. Maemong a joalo, re thabetse ho ba moemeli oa hau le moeletsi oa hau oa molao, ka lilemo tsa ho buisana, re tiisa hore re ka tlisa litekanyetso tsa bohlokoa khoebong ea hau mme ra o thusa ho nts'etsapele k'hamphani e kholo le e betere.

U ka fetola liakhente tse ngolisitsoeng tsa Delaware joang?

Mohato oa 1: Ikopanye le Offshore Company Corp

Mohato oa 2: Lefa Tefiso ea ho faela

Mohato oa 3: Faela foromo ea Change of Agent le Delaware Division of Corporations

Mohato oa 4: Sohle se felile, joale k'hamphani ea hau e molaong oa rona ka molao mme e se e loketse khoebo.

Phetoho ea ts'ebetso ea moemeli e tla nka libeke tse 1 ho isa ho tse 3. Ho netefatsa phetoho, o ka ipatlela lebitso le bonolo ho lebitso la Delaware Search mme o tla bona hang ha mmuso o fetola moemeli ho rona.

Kemiso ea Tefo

Matla Tefiso ea tšebeletso Bolele ba nako
Hong Kong US $ 399 Matsatsi a ho sebetsa a 2-3
Lihlekehleke tsa Marshall US $ 420 Matsatsi a 5-6 a sebetsang
Samoa US $ 489 Matsatsi a 5-6 a sebetsang
Singapore US $ 899 Matsatsi a ho sebetsa a 2-3
Vanuatu US $ 790 ea Amerika Matsatsi a 5-6 a sebetsang
Cyprase US $ 1299 Matsatsi a 5-6 a sebetsang
Gibraltar US $ 715 Matsatsi a 5-6 a sebetsang
Liechtenstein US $ 3000 Matsatsi a 5-6 a sebetsang
Luxembourg US $ 3000 Matsatsi a 5-6 a sebetsang
Malta US $ 1390 Matsatsi a 5-6 a sebetsang
Netherland US $ 2000 Matsatsi a 5-6 a sebetsang
Switzerland US $ 2400 Matsatsi a 5-6 a sebetsang
United Kingdom US $ 299 Matsatsi a ho sebetsa a 2-3
Anguilla US $ 439 Matsatsi a 5-6 a sebetsang
Bahamas US $ 699 Matsatsi a 5-6 a sebetsang
Belize US $ 510 Matsatsi a 5-6 a sebetsang
Lihlekehleke tsa Briteni tsa Borithane US $ 569 ea Amerika Matsatsi a 5-6 a sebetsang
Lihlekehleke tsa Cayman US $ 1529 Matsatsi a 5-6 a sebetsang
UAE US $ 1349 Matsatsi a 5-6 a sebetsang
Delaware $ 549 ea US Matsatsi a ho sebetsa a 2-3
Panama US $ 799 Matsatsi a 5-6 a sebetsang
Mohalaleli Kitts le Nevis US $ 750 Matsatsi a 5-6 a sebetsang
Saint Vincent - Grenadines US $ 699 Matsatsi a 5-6 a sebetsang
Mauritius US $ 1890 Matsatsi a 5-6 a sebetsang
Seychelles US $ 439 Matsatsi a 5-6 a sebetsang
Hloma k'hamphani Delaware


Ntlafatsa khoebo ea hau ka papatso e le 'ngoe ea IBC ea 2021 !!

One IBC Club


Ho na le maemo a mane a boemo ba setho se le seng sa IBC. Tsoela pele ka maemo a phahameng a mararo ha u fihlela maemo a tšoanelehang. Natefeloa ke meputso le boiphihlelo bo phahameng leetong lohle la hao. Lekola melemo ea maemo ohle. Fumana le ho lopolla lintlha tsa mokitlane bakeng sa lits'ebeletso tsa rona.

Ho fumana lintlha
Fumana Lintlha tsa Mokitlane mabapi le theko e loketseng ea ho reka litšebeletso. U tla fumana lintlha tsa mokitlane bakeng sa dolara e ngoe le e ngoe e loketseng ea US e sebelisitsoeng.

Ho sebelisa lintlha
Sebelisa lintlha tsa mokitlane ka kotloloho bakeng sa invoice ea hau. Lintlha tse 100 tsa mokitlane = 1 USD.

Partnership & Intermediaries

Ts'ebelisano 'moho le Baemeli

Lenaneo la Phetisetso

  • Eba mofani oa rona oa thekiso ka mehato e 3 e bonolo ebe u fumana chelete e ka fihlang ho 14% ho moreki e mong le e mong eo u mo tsebisang eena.
  • Sheba haholoanyane, Fumana haholoanyane!

Lenaneo la Bohokahanyi

Re koahela 'maraka ka khokahano e ntseng e hola ea balekane ba khoebo le litsebi eo re e tšehetsang ka mafolofolo ho latela tšehetso ea litsebi, thekiso le papatso.

Ntlafatso ea matla

Seo mecha ea litaba e se buang ka rona

Mabapi le rona

Re lula re le motlotlo ka ho ba mofani ea nang le boiphihlelo ba Litšebeletso tsa Lichelete le Koporasi 'marakeng oa machabeng. Re fana ka boleng bo holimo le ba tlholisano ho uena joaloka bareki ba bohlokoa ho fetola sepheo sa hau hore e be tharollo ka leano le hlakileng la ts'ebetso. Tharollo, Katleho ea Hau.