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In Malta, the terms "property assess" and "genuine bequest assess" by and large allude to the same concept. Be that as it may, Malta does not have an yearly property charge that's common in numerous other nations. Instep, there are particular charges related to genuine bequest exchanges and proprietorship. Here's a brief diagram:

I. Real Estate Taxes in Malta

  1. Stamp Duty: Typically a charge paid when acquiring property. The standard rate is ordinarily 5% of the property's esteem, in spite of the fact that decreased rates may apply beneath certain conditions, such as for first-time buyers​​.
  2. Capital Picks upAssess: This charge is appropriate when offering property on the off chance that it isn't the seller's essential home or in case it is sold inside a certain period after buy. The rate can shift, and particular exceptions might apply​​.

II. Absence of Annual Property Tax:

Malta does not force an yearly property assessment on the possession of genuine bequest. This contrasts with numerous other nations where property proprietors must pay a repeating assessment based on the surveyed esteem of their property.


Whereas both terms can allude to charges related to genuine bequest, in Malta, the center is on transaction-based charges such as stamp obligation and capital picks up access, instead of an yearly property charge. For detailed and upgraded data, counseling with a charge proficient or the Malta Inland Income Division is fitting.

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