
Naha anjeun kéngingkeun One IBC pikeun ngirim bewara ka anjeun?

Kami ngan ukur ngabéjaan beja anu paling énggal sareng suka bungah ka anjeun.

Anjeun maca dina Sundanese tarjamahan ku program AI. Baca selengkapnya dina Bantahan sareng bantosan kami pikeun ngédit bahasa kuat anjeun. Resep dina basa Inggris .

GDPR Compliance

Waktos anu diénggalan: 15 Aug, 2023, 14:23 (UTC+08:00) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of One IBC® Group

One IBC® Group


1. Who we are

  • One IBC® Group
  • Office: Unit 1411, 14/Floor, Cosco Tower, 183 Queen's Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong.
  • Designated contact: General Counsel: [email protected]
  • Services provided: Those services One IBC® has undertaken to provide to you.

2. Personal data being processed and processing activities

One IBC® processes personal data as a Processor, which includes the information provided by the Controller or obtained/created by One IBC® to deliver the services as outlined in the applicable standard terms.

The processing activities undertaken by One IBC® are as set out in those standard terms.

Additionally, as per the standard terms, there may be instances where One IBC® acts as a Controller for personal data.

3. Confidentiality

Our employees are bound by contractual confidentiality provisions in their contracts of employment. Compliance with any group policies relating to data protection and confidentiality of information is mandatory.

4. Use of Sub-Processors

One IBC® is in the process of seeking and obtaining similar Credentials Statements or equivalent from Sub-Processors who process the personal data which is the subject of our contract.

Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy explains the types of personal data we collect, how we collect and use it, as well as your rights with respect to such personal data.

You may find our Privacy Policy here.

Naon média nyebutkeun ngeunaan urang

Tentang Kami

Kami salawasna bangga janten panyadia Jasa Keuangan sareng Perusahaan anu ngalaman di pasar internasional. Kami nyayogikeun nilai anu pangsaéna sareng paling kompetitif ka anjeun salaku nasabah anu dihargaan pikeun ngarobih tujuan anjeun janten solusi kalayan rencana aksi anu jelas. Solusi Kami, Kasuksesan Anjeun.