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Saint Lucia Offshore Company Formation

Saint Lucia Business Company (BC)

Saint Lucia, a proud member of the British Commonwealth, offers unparalleled business opportunities.

  • - Boasting a stable economy and robust service infrastructure, Saint Lucia ensures the optimal conditions for business growth and development.
  • - Experience a business-friendly climate in Saint Lucia with enticing incentives and tax advantages.
  • - Enjoy complete freedom in business ownership and operation as a foreign investor in Saint Lucia.
  • - Discover the path to citizenship in Saint Lucia, opening a world of opportunities.
Saint Lucia Offshore Company Formation

Best Ideal for Saint Lucia company registration

Real Estate Investment Trusts
Real Estate Investment Trusts
Corporate Legal Services
Corporate Legal Services
Tax Consultancy
Tax Consultancy
E-Commerce Solution
E-Commerce Solution

Efterlad din kontakt, så vender vi hurtigst muligt tilbage til dig!

St Lucia company registration In 4 Easy Steps

St Lucia company registration - Preparation

1. Preparation

Request free company name search We check the eligibility of the name, and make suggestion if necessary.

St Lucia company registration - Filling

2. Filling

  • Register or login and fill in the company names and director/ shareholder(s).
  • Fill in shipping, company address or special request (if any).
St Lucia company registration - Payment

3. Payment

Choose your payment method (We accept payment by Credit/Debit Card, PayPal or Wire Transfer).

St Lucia company registration - Delivery

4. Delivery

  • You will receive soft copies of necessary documents including: Certificate of Incorporation, Business Registration, Memorandum and Articles of Association, etc. Then, your new company in a jurisdiction is ready to do business!
  • You can bring the documents in company kit to open corporate bank account or we can help you with our long experience of Banking support service.
Required documents for St Lucia offshore company formation
  • Notarized passport of each shareholder/beneficial owner and director.
  • Notarized proof of residential address of each director and shareholder/beneficial owner (Must be in English or be translated in English).
  • The proposed 3 company names with ending suffix “Limited”, “Corporation” or “Incorporated”; or (b) the abbreviation “Ltd”, “Corp” or “Inc”
  • The usual authorized is 50,000 shares or lower

Attractive Cost For Saint Lucia Company Registration


US$ 3499 Attractive Cost For Saint Lucia Offshore Company Formation

Saint Lucia offshore company formation fee

  • Done within 6 working days
  • 100% successful rate
  • Fast, easy & highest confidential via secured systems
  • Dedicated support (24/7)
  • Just Order, We Do All For You

Download formularer - Saint Lucia offshore company formation

1. Ansøgningsformationsformular

Beskrivelse QR kode Hent
Ansøgning om aktieselskab
PDF | 1.41 MB | Opdateret tid: 06 May, 2024, 16:50 (UTC+08:00)

Ansøgningsskema til behandling af aktieselskab

Ansøgning om aktieselskab Hent
Ansøgningsformular LLP LLC
PDF | 2.00 MB | Opdateret tid: 06 May, 2024, 16:57 (UTC+08:00)

Ansøgningsformular LLP LLC

Ansøgningsformular LLP LLC Hent

2. Forretningsplanformular

Beskrivelse QR kode Hent
PDF | 654.81 kB | Opdateret tid: 06 May, 2024, 16:59 (UTC+08:00)

Forretningsplanformular for virksomheders inkorporering

Forretningsplanformular Hent

3. Bedøm kort

Beskrivelse QR kode Hent

4. Informationsopdateringsformular

Beskrivelse QR kode Hent
PDF | 3.45 MB | Opdateret tid: 08 May, 2024, 09:19 (UTC+08:00)

Informationsopdateringsformular til udfyldelse af registreringsdatabasens lovbestemte krav

Informationsopdateringsformular Hent

5. Eksempeldokumenter

Beskrivelse QR kode Hent


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  • Bliv vores referent i 3 enkle trin, og tjen op til 14% provision på hver kunde, du introducerer til os.
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Vi dækker markedet med et stadigt voksende netværk af forretnings- og professionelle partnere, som vi aktivt støtter med hensyn til professionel support, salg og marketing.

Hvad medierne siger om os

Om os

Vi er altid stolte af at være en erfaren udbyder af finansielle og corporate services på det internationale marked. Vi leverer den bedste og mest konkurrencedygtige værdi til dig som værdsatte kunder for at omdanne dine mål til en løsning med en klar handlingsplan. Vores løsning, din succes.