Company Name | The name of the LLCs must end with these words, including “Limited Liability Company,” “Limited Company,” “Ltd. Co.,” “LC,” “LLC” or “L.L.C.” The LLCs’ name cannot consist of language implying other purposes other than the permitted ones by the state law and the Articles of Organization The LLC name must be distinguishable from other domestic or foreign-qualified LLC, reserved or registered LLC names upon the records of the Secretary of State | The proposed name must include the words such as “Corporation,” “Incorporated,” “Company” or “Limited,” the abbreviation “Corp.,” “Inc.,” “Co,” or “Ltd.,” or abbreviations of words with similar meaning in another language. Other than the permitted purpose by the state law and the Articles of Incorporation, the proposed name cannot contain language implying non-permitted purposes. Upon the records of the Secretary of State, the name must be distinguishable from other names of a domestic or qualified foreign corporation, registered or reserved corporate name, limited partnership or non-profit corporation. |
Board of Directors | LLCs are required to have a minimum of one or more managers/members. South Carolina has no requirements for the managers & members’ age and residency. The managers are required to be listed in the Articles of Organization while this does not apply to the members | Corporations are required to have a minimum of one or more managers/members. South Carolina has no requirements for the directors & shareholders’ age and residency. The directors’ names and addresses are not required to be listed in the Articles of Incorporation |
Other requirement | Annual Report: South Carolina LLCs do not require to file an annual report. State tax identification number is not required in South Carolina. Registered Agent: The name and physical address of the LLCs’ registered agent must be provided, along with the information of the normal business hours for the purpose of accepting important documents from the government. Employer Identification Number (EIN): An EIN is essential for LLCs with employees as well as to open a business bank account | Annual Report: South Carolina corporations require to file an annual report on the 15th day of the third month after the close of the taxable year. Stock: In the Articles of Incorporation, the authorized shares and par value must be included. Registered Agent: The name and physical address of the corporations’ registered agent must be provided, along with the information of the normal business hours for the purpose of accepting important documents from the government. Employer Identification Number (EIN): An EIN is essential for corporations with employees as well as to open a business bank account. State tax identification number is not required in South Carolina. |